Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Trevalon CSA Core group meeting


Thank you to everyone who attended the public meeting on the 24th November and put their name down for being part of the core group. Thank you also to those who have contacted me before and after the meeting. It will be the core group that will help to shape the project at Trevalon over the coming months. Of the choice of meeting dates suggested I have opted for a time when most people are able to attend, which is:

Trevalon, core group
Monday 7th December, 2009, 7pm till 9pm
8 Trevecca Cottages, Liskeard

Apologies to those who are not able to attend this meeting, I will keep everyone informed and anticipate that as the project moves forward, new people will join the core group, so we will structure the meetings so that people are able to commit to what they are able too.

The Agenda for the meeting will be as follows:

1.Introductions: Each person will have a chance to introduce themselves.

2.Introduction to support available: Introduction to the support available to the core group through, Making Local Food Works, The Soil Association and others.

3.Creating a vision of what the project will feel and look like: find the ideas we have in common, and start to develop aims and a time line.

4.Discuss ways of engaging membership: work towards forming a business model and legal structure.

5.Next step: assign tasks, planning for more meetings, events, newsletters surveys etc.

Details of this meeting have been sent to those people who have expressed an interested in being part of core group and has also been posted on the Trevalon facebook account and blog, if you are wishing to attend this meeting please tell me in advance so that we can plan for numbers.

DON'T FORGET: Guided Tour Sunday 6th December, 11am till 12noon and 1pm till 2pm. Lunch provided 12noon till 1pm: An opportunity to see what is on offer at Trevalon and a chance to talk.


Mark Simon
Tel: 01579 326144