There are endless versions of Chermoula - probably one for every household in Morocco. I've never been there so I don't feel guilty about not being totally authentic here! I make this Chermoula style dressing to be eaten raw, but it is equally good as a marinade for courgettes ... and anything else for that matter!Cook some pasta that will stand up to being stirred about and sitting around for a while without falling apart eg: Penne - make it Organic Penne! I'm not going to keep writing 'organic' take it for granted it is organic unless you can't get an organic version.
Plunge the cooked pasta into cold water to stop it cooking any more and drain.
Chop a very big handful of fresh coriander, one of flat leaf parsley, put the chopped fresh herbs into a big mixing bowl and add a light scattering of ground cumin, a cautious amount of paprika, a whole lemon's worth of lemon juice and a whole lime's worth of lime juice, olive oil, crushed garlic, sea salt, black pepper and a splash of white balsamic vinegar, a small scattering of caster sugar and add a handful of finely sliced spring onions. Get hold of a mandolin slicer (unless you handed it in during the last dangerous weapons amnesty) and slice lots of nice fresh courgettes into the mixture. I scatter in some toasted cumin seeds here! Stir it all around and then cover it over and leave it for about an hour for the flavours to mix and for the salt to draw out the liquids to make a delicious dressing. Stir the mixture around once again and spoon it into a serving dish. Delicious with grilled fish or BBQ'd anything and lots of bread to dip into the dressing! ( .... and yes, I have used 'Space Man' pasta!)